segunda-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2010

Mount remote folder

I can mount in bash with this command

mount -t cifs //xx.xx.xx.x.x/folder /mnt/somefolder

and when I type it in bash I recive:


then I type enter (I dont put password, just press enter) and my remote folder is mounted!

But when I add

mount -t cifs //xx.xx.xx.x.x/folder /mnt/somefolder

by optimize me on Mon Sep 07, 2009 8:48 pm

Entries in fstab are not mount commands like what you use in a terminal. Since everything in fstab is meant to be mounted, the mount command itself is left out and entries are formatted like so:

/mounted/folder /local/mount/point type options

so to use your own example for mounting a Windows share, it would look something like:

host:/folder /mnt/somefolder smb user,rw,auto

That's just an example. The options used will vary depending on the access level you want (e.g., read-only, read-write), whether it's auto-mounted at boot time or not, etc..

Some good fstab reading:

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