segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2010
3D dissecado
quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2010
Descoberta mostra que sólitons, além de ondas, são partículas complexas
sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010
Ensaios de Futurologia.
Já os displays de papel de alta qualidade (alta resolução e taxa de atualização) serão amplamente utilizados no setor de decoração a um custo bastante acessível nos próximos dez anos.
Tá registrado.
sexta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2010
No Retreat, No Surrender !!!
O que faz uma pessoa tomar uma atitude dessas ? Posso citar vários motivos, mas não aceito nenhum. Desistir nunca pode ser uma opção. Ontem estava muito triste e sentido, hoje estou tremendamente chateado com este meu amigo. Estas fases as quais estou passando são esperadas quando sofremos tamanha perda.
Valeu Sandro. Valeu nossa discussões que não levavam a nada a não ser satisfazer nossos próprios egos. Valeu pelos papos de cultura inútil, mas que fazíamos rir a beça. Tá bom ... Agora só depois !!!
Abraços !!!
quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2010
Remote desktop only on local network
had the same problem with 9.04, no advanced tab, server was not listening to the port (even default one), but I just found out how to set all this.
To use an alternative port:
run gconf-editor from terminal
in the open window go to:
Change the alternative_port value (mine was 5900) to the one you want
Select (check) use_alternative_port
And now, run:
(you can make it run at login by addin the previous line in the: System->Preferences->Startup Applications)
Good Luck!
June 17th, 2009, 03:01 PM
I had the same problem but was able to solve it by unchecking the option 'configure network automatically to accept connections' This option requires the UPnP feature in your router to be enabled.
Surprisingly (I find computers have a strong resemblance to women) now I also have outside connectivity with the automatically accept connections option checked and UPnP disabled.
Hope this helps more than it confuses!"
segunda-feira, 4 de outubro de 2010
Método de integração
A Wikibookian suggests that Solving Integrals by Trigonometric substitution be merged into this book or chapter. Discuss whether or not this merger should happen on the discussion page. |
← Integration techniques/Partial Fraction Decomposition | Calculus | Integration techniques/Tangent Half Angle → |
Integration techniques/Trigonometric Substitution |
If the integrand contains a single factor of one of the forms we can try a trigonometric substitution.
- If the integrand contains let x = asinθ and use the identity 1 − sin2θ = cos2θ.
- If the integrand contains let x = atanθ and use the identity 1 + tan2θ = sec2θ.
- If the integrand contains let x = asecθ and use the identity sec2θ − 1 = tan2θ.
[edit] Sine substitution
If the integrand contains a piece of the form we use the substitution
This will transform the integrand to a trigonometic function. If the new integrand can't be integrated on sight then the tan-half-angle substitution described below will generally transform it into a more tractable algebraic integrand.
Eg, if the integrand is √(1-x2),
If the integrand is √(1+x)/√(1-x), we can rewrite it as
Then we can make the substitution
[edit] Tangent substitution
When the integrand contains a piece of the form we use the substitution
E.g, if the integrand is (x2+a2)-3/2 then on making this substitution we find
If the integral is
then on making this substitution we find
After integrating by parts, and using trigonometric identities, we've ended up with an expression involving the original integral. In cases like this we must now rearrange the equation so that the original integral is on one side only
As we would expect from the integrand, this is approximately z2/2 for large z.
[edit] Secant substitution
If the integrand contains a factor of the form we use the substitution
[edit] Example 1
[edit] Example 2
We can now integrate by parts
Navigation: Main Page · Precalculus · Limits · Differentiation · Integration · Parametric and Polar Equations · Sequences and Series · Multivariable Calculus & Differential Equations · Extensions · References
Categories: Books to be merged | Calculus (book)
terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010
segunda-feira, 20 de setembro de 2010
Using Intel Compilers for Linux with Ubuntu - Intel® Software Network
29 April 2010: This guide also applies to Ubuntu 10.04.
2009 November 3: added notes for Ubuntu 9.10
Note: Newer versions of this linux distribution may NOT be officially supported by Intel Compiler Professional Editions 11.1. Please see your ReleaseNotes document with your compiler to find the support Linux distributions and versions. These instructions are merely to help install the compiler, keep in mind that versions of this distribution NOT in the ReleaseNotes document are NOT tested nor supported. You are on your own here.
Introduction :
Using Intel(R) Compilers version 11.1 under Ubuntu (10.04, 9.10, 9.04, 8.04 and 8.10) Desktop and Debian Desktop
For older Ubuntu and Debian versions, see THIS ARTICLE. Make sure to use the latest Intel Compilers version 11.1. Older compilers will not be compatible with the latest Ubuntu distributions. For compatibility and supported versions always read the ReleaseNotes document for your compiler.
These notes apply to Ubuntu Desktop. Ubuntu Server was not tested but should be similar.
2 November 2009: Ubuntu 10.04 and 9.10
For users of Ubuntu 10 and 9.10, follow the instructions here. If you have 9.04 or older, skip ahead to the section titled 'Ubuntu 9.04 and Older'
BEFORE YOU INSTALL Intel(R) Fortran for Linux or Intel(R) C++ for Linux on your fresh Ubuntu Desktop installation, you will first need to install several packages to prepare the system to serve as a development platform. First, open a Terminal window and become root:
sudo bash
(type your user password)
At this point, you should have a root shell. Test this with command 'whoami' which should return "root"
Check that gcc is installed. By default. Check this with:
gcc --version
It should return "gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) 4.4.1 (or some newer version - as long as it returns a version you have gcc installed)
If, for some reason, you do not have gcc installed, use Synaptic Package Manager (under 'System' -> 'Administration' menus) OR use apt-get to install gcc:
apt-get install gcc
Next, install the 'build-essential' package and package g++. This is not installed by default. Again, use Synaptic Package Manager or apt-get :
apt-get install build-essential
this should also install g++, but in test this with:
g++ --version
if g++ is not found, install it:
apt-get install g++
A few other packages are required:
apt-get install rpm
apt-get install ia32-libs (this is only required on 64bit Ubuntu/Debian systems)
To use the Intel IDB graphical debugger, you will also need the Java JRE 5 or 6 installed. One way to get this is through Synaptic package manager. Open Synaptic and for sources enable Ubuntu's partner repository. Once that is done, use Synaptic to fetch the package sun-java6-jre.
We also recommend fetching the Sun JRE directly from Sun: get the latest JRE from:
OR you can use the OpenJDK from the distribution:
apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless
Next, Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop does not provide libstdc++5, which is required for the Intel Compilers. You will have to get the package for libstdc++5 from an older Debian or Ubuntu distribution ( 9.04 for example ). A repository is here:
On this page, you will see the title "The GNU Standard C++ Library V3". Scrolling down, find the table for "Download libstdc++5".
9.10: For 32bit Ubuntu i386 libstdc++5 Installation:
For 32bit Ubuntu systems you will need to install the 32bit version of libstdc++5, that is, the "i386" package.
Select the download for the libstdc++5 package for 'i386". Pick a mirror site to begin the download. If you are using Firefox, you will be prompted if you want to "Open with GDebi Package Installer" - select OK to continue. Otherwise, save the deb package and use your favorite package manager to install. Install the i386 libstdc++ deb package. SKIP the Intel 64 Libstdc++5 (AMD64) directions below and find the section on installing the compiler after prerequisites are installed.
9.10: For Intel 64 / AMD64 (64bit Linux installation) Libstdc++5:
follow these instructions IF AND ONLY IF you have a 64bit Ubuntu installation.
Intel 64 installation: Select the download for the libstdc++5 package for "amd64". If you are using Firefox, you will be prompted if you want to "Open with GDebi Package Installer" - select OK to continue. Otherwise, save the deb package and use your favorite package manager to install. Install the amd64 libstdc++ deb package.
by default, the 64bit library will install in /usr/lib which is linked to /usr/lib64.
Now, you also will need the 32bit installed in /usr/lib32. Unfortunately, the "i386" version of the libstdc++5 package wants to install in /usr/lib which is your 64bit library directory and where you just installed the "amd64" libraries - so you DON'T want to download and install the "i386" package into the default location.
We'll need to download the 'i386' package to a temporary directory, use dpkg to extract the contents to the temp directory, then manually copy the library to /usr/lib32 and create the symbolic link:
First, download libstc++5 package for "i386" - save to disk and do NOT launch a package manger to install it. Save it in your 'Downloads' folder or /tmp (or any other scratch directory).
Using your root terminal window, cd to the directory where you have downloaded the .deb package, it should have a name similar to 'libstdc++5_3.3.6-18_i386.deb'. The exact version is not important, but make sure it is a "i386" deb package.
Extract to the local directory:
dpkg --extract libstdc++5_3.3.6-18_i386.deb ./
Notice that a 'usr/' folder was created and the package contents extracted here. Now we'll copy the library to /usr/lib32
cd usr/lib
cp /usr/lib32
cd /usr/lib32
ln -s
9.10: Installing the Compiler Now That Prerequisities are Installed (32 and 64bit):
Once you've completed the above, extract your compiler .tgz kit, cd to the compiler installation directory, and run ./
During the installation, you WILL get a warning message 'Detected operating system Debian* (generic) is not supported', followed by
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Missing optional pre-requisite
-- operating system type is not supported.
-- system glibc or kernel version not supported or not detectable
-- binutils version not supported or not detectable
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
'Would you like to perform an unsupported install of this product [yes/no] (no)?'
enter 'yes'
This will complete the installation. Keep in mind, you will get this warning from the compiler installer until such time as this particular OS and version are supported. Once installed, you can read the ReadMe notes in ...installdir.../Documentation directory which has a list of the supported Linux distributions and versions.
Debugger Notes:
Known Intel® IDB Debugger issues under Ubuntu:
1) Ubuntu 9.x versions, IA32 and Intel64 platforms:
- When loading an executable, a startup dialog may appear that should not. If this dialog, "Unable to locate source file “…/start.S – Do you like to search for it manually?” appears, click ‘No’ and continue normal debugging.
- Avoid using debug commands such as ‘next’, ‘step’ on the Console Window of the Debugger GUI since this may lead to unexpected behavior of the debugger; use the corresponding options ‘Continue’, Step Into’ etc. from the Run menu instead.
2) Ubuntu 9.10, IA32 and Intel64 platforms:
- You need to set the environment variable GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 to avoid a known bug in Eclipse delivered with Ubuntu 9.10. Add export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1
to your ~/.bashrc file or execute this command on command line:
Ubuntu 9.04 and Older:
In order to use Intel(R) Compilers ( Fortran or C++ ) under Ubuntu 9.04, 8.04 or 8.10 you will need the latest 11.0 or 10.1 version of the Intel compiler(s). Older 10.0 and 9.1 versions of the compilers may not work properly under Ubuntu 9.04, 8.04 or 8.10. Keep in mind that new versions of Ubuntu/Debian may not be OFFICIALLY supported by the Intel Compilers. Please see your ReleaseNotes document with your compiler version for a list of officially supported distributions and versions.
If you have active support for your compiler, you can download the latest Intel compiler version from
BEFORE YOU INSTALL Intel(R) Fortran for Linux or Intel(R) C++ for Linux on your fresh Ubuntu Desktop installation, you will first need to install several packages to prepare the system to serve as a development platform:
Check that gcc is installed. By default. Check this with:
gcc --version
By default, Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop installs gcc 4.2.3-2ubuntu7. 8.10 should have gcc 4.3.2, 9.04 gcc 4.3.3
If, for some reason, you do not have gcc installed, use Synaptic Package Manager (under 'System' -> 'Administration' menus) OR use apt-get to install gcc:
apt-get install gcc
Next, install g++. This is not installed by default. Again, use Synaptic Package Manager or apt-get to install package 'g++'
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install g++
Next, you need to install the 32bit compatibility library To do this, use apt-get or Synaptic Package Manager to retrieve and install package 'libstdc++5'
apt-get install libstdc++5
This package may require installing another package as a prerequisite,
If so, go ahead and install this older gcc package.
For x86-64 architecture, you will also need a number of other packages, including package 'ia32-libs' to install the 32bit versions of in /usr/lib32 as well as 32bit header files in libc6-dev-i386. These notes apply to Ubuntu 9.04 but should also apply to 8.10 and 8.04
apt-get install ia32-libs
apt-get install lib32stdc++6
apt-get install libc6-dev-i386
apt-get install gcc-multilib
apt-get install g++-multilib
Finally, there is an optional package to consider: The 11.0 version of the Intel Compiler for Linux has a graphical
debugger, a new graphical interface for the IDB debugger. If you want to use this debugger, please make sure to install the Java JRE version 1.5 or greater. This can be done at anytime after the installation of the compiler. However, you will get a warning message about 'missing prerequisite' for the JRE - simply ignore that message and proceed with the installation. OR to avoid that message and enable the graphical IDE, get the latest JRE from:
Once installation of prerequisites is complete, you are ready to start the Intel compiler(s) installation. During the installation, you may get a message 'Detected operating system Debian* (generic) is not supported', followed by
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Missing optional pre-requisite
-- operating system type is not supported.
-- system glibc or kernel version not supported or not detectable
-- binutils version not supported or not detectable
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------
'Would you like to perform an unsupported install of this product [yes/no] (no)?'
enter 'yes'
This will complete the installation. Keep in mind, you will get this warning from the compiler installer until such time as this particular OS and version are supported. Once installed, you can read the ReadMe notes in ...installdir.../Documentation directory which has a list of the supported Linux distributions and versions.
Using the Compiler:
The next step after installing the compiler is to set up the user environment to use the compiler and libraries. First, locate your documentation: it is installed in <installdir>/Documentation/en_US (currently, US English is the language supported in the documentation). Under this directory, read the <installdir>/Documentation/en_US/getting_started_f.pdf or getting_started_c.pdf document. Read how to use or (or the .csh equivalents) to set your environment to use the compiler(s). You may wish to put the 'source ifortvars.....' command into your home startup scripts.
Next, use a browser to open <installdir>/Documentation/en_US/documentation_f.htm or documentation_c.htm which is an index to the rest of the online documents. Browse the documents to familiarize yourself with their locations and contents.
Finishing up: Usage
Once the compilers are installed, it is necessary to source the or ifortvars.csh file to properly set the user environment to use the Intel compilers. This (these) commands can be placed in a user's ~/.bashrc or other system login file (fortran 11.1.046 example shown below, bash user):
64bit compiler selection:
source /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/046/bin/ intel64
32bit compiler selection:
source /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/046/bin/ ia32
C/C++ users: substitute 'iccvars' for 'ifortvars' above.
Other versions: substitute your actual minor version for "046" above.
Also, if you are a CSH or TCSH user, use ifortvars.csh or iccvars.csh as appropriate.
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Japan’s rapidly aging population and slow birth rate are galvanizing research in robotics as a potential countermeasure to the predicted shortages in the work force of tomorrow. The next step towards efficient robot helpers is the HRP-4, the latest humanoid robot developed at AIST (Japan’s National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology) and Kawada Industries. In stark contrast to the feminine HRP-4C (unveiled last year) the HRP-4 has a decidedly robotic appearance resembling a slim athlete. It stands 150cm (5′) tall and weighs only 39kg (86 lbs) including its battery, which makes it the smallest and lightest of the HRP family.
It has a total of 34 degrees of freedom (neck x2, 2 arms x7 [shoulder x3, elbow x1, wrist x3], 2 hands x2, waist x2, 2 legs x6) and has a grasping force of 0.5kg. The use of standardized parts and an optimized mechanical design has lowered its production cost, which means labs will be able to purchase one for much less than its predecessors. At 26,000,000 JPY ($306,000 USD) each, they’re almost $100k cheaper than Willow Garage’s PR2; they hope to sell between 3 and 5 units per year. Like the HRP-4C, it runs Linux and AIST’s proprietary OpenRTM-aist control software, and its backpack has room for a small laptop computer which can be upgraded whenever necessary.
From left: HRP-2 Promet (2003), HRP-3 Promet mk.II (2007), HRP-4
The robot responds to voice commands, and shows off its face and object recognition (pink balls), in the following demonstration. The robot’s flexibility and stable movement can be seen as it reaches around and touches its own back, and when its legs cross as it plants one foot directly in front of the other. The following video demonstration has been edited for length (no serious cuts were made, but you can watch the unedited version after the break).
Click here to view the embedded video.
Now this is what I’m talking about! I’m really liking the look of this one (the handiwork of designer T. Sonoyama). The two-tone color scheme works well, and thanks to its simple face design it doesn’t have any of the usual creep-factor associated with humanoids. Interestingly, the battery packs are the white sections on its hips. It seems like Japanese universities have been working with the HRP-2 Promet for an eternity; hopefully with the reduced cost this one will get some lab time.
[source: Kawada Ind. | AIST press releases (JP)] via [ROBOCON Magazine (JP)]
- HRP-4 @ Impress PC Watch (JP)
- HRP-4 @ GetRobo (EN)
- HRP-4 @ Robonable (JP)
- HRP-4 @ (JP)
- HRP-4 @ 47News (JP)
Click here to view the embedded video.
Video (8 min presentation):
Click here to view the embedded video.
Image credit:
Impress PC Watch / K.Moriyama | ROBOCON Magazine | AIST | Kawada Industries | Robonable